Family Enterprise Blog
Nurturing Responsible Stewards: Transitioning Wealth in a Family Enterprise
No parent wants to raise an entitled child. But what can we do as parents to prevent this from happening? This blog posts offers key strategies that can help parents navigate the wealth transition process while instilling important values in the next generation.
Learning to Speak the Same Language in Your Family Enterprise
The old adage, “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations” explains the failure of grandchildren to successfully manage a family enterprise and family wealth. Planning to be successful for multiple generations takes education and planning. One of the simplest places to start is learning a common language that you and your family can use.
Psychological Safety in Family Enterprises
This post explores how to apply the research on psychological safety to your family enterprise. The term “psychological safety” originated in the 1960s and has been explored more recently by Harvard professor Amy Edmondson who looked at psychological safety in teams. Teams exhibiting psychological safety perform better in the workplace. Here we assert the same holds true for your family enterprise.
Six Ways to Achieve Better Behaviour at the Office
Working with family members can be challenging. In this blog post we make six suggestions to help you achieve harmony in the family business workplace.